public Shupeng Zhu


Dr. Shupeng Zhu
Zhejiang University


Position: ZJU 100 Youth Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor, Zhejiang University. Research Field: Climate Risk Assessment, Health and Economic Co-Benifit of Decarbonization. Utilizing leading international atmospheric chemistry transport models and machine learning methods, combined with big data in climate, population, public health, and economics, to conduct quantitative analysis of atmospheric environmental risks. Recent original research includes air quality model development, environmental health benefits in carbon neutrality, and interactions between climate change and the atmospheric environment. Published over 20 SCI papers (including more than 10 as first author/corresponding author in journals like Nature, Nature Communication, JGR, ES&T, EI, ACP, etc.). Serving as a peer-review editor for Frontiers in Environmental Science and a special issue editor for Frontiers in Public Health. Member of the review committee for the Royal Society of Chemistry (UK) grants. Recipient of the Bricard Award for Outstanding Young Scholars by the French Aerosol Research Association (2016).


Work Experience

  • ZJU 100 Youth Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science, School of Earth Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2013-Now

  • Senior Scientist, Advanced Power and Energy Program, University of California Irvine, Irvine, USA, 2019–2023

  • Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California Irvine, Irvine, USA, 2016–2019

  • Researcher, CEREA (Joint Lab ENPC-EDF), Ecole des Ponts Paris-Tech, France, 2015–2016

  • Research Assistant, CEREA (Joint Lab ENPC-EDF), Ecole des Ponts Paris-Tech, France, 2012–2015



  • Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences, École des Ponts Paris-Tech, University of Paris-Est, University of Paris-Est, France, 2016

  • M.Sc. in Urban and Environmental Planning, École Centrale de Nantes, France, 2012

  • B.Sc. in Urban Studies and Planning, École Centrale de Nantes, France, 2012

  • B.Sc. in Marine Sciences, Ocean University of China, China, 2010


Research Interests

  • Air quality impact analysis of decarbonization technologies

  • Air pollution modelling and health exposure

  • Aerosol mixing state

  • Atmospheric chemistry

  • Artificial intelligence and big data

  • Environmental Justice


Awards, Recognitions & Fellowships

  • ASFERA BRICARD Award (2016)

  • TANDEM - Erasmus Mundus Scholarship - European Commission (2010-2012)



Membership and service

  • Served as a member of Royal Society of Chemistry Research Grants Peer Review Group

  • Invited Reviewer for the ISGT 2022 : IEEE Power & Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference

  • Served as a member of the judge committee at the Orange County Science & Engineering Fair, Mar. 24-28, 2020, California, USA.

  • Member: Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), European Geosciences Union (EGU), The American Association for Aerosol Research (AAAS), French Association for Studies and Research on Aerosols (ASFERA), Chinese-American Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (COAA)



  • CARB Examining the Health Impacts of Short-Term Repeated Exposure to Wildfire Smoke [21RD003], 2022–Now, Co-Investigator

  • CARB Scoping Plan Update Scenario Modeling and Evaluation [20ISD005], 2021–2022, Participant

  • CPUC Integrated Distributed Energy Resources (IDER) Air Quality [R.14-10-003], 2019-2020, Participant

  • CPUC Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) Air Quality [R.16-02-007], 2020, Participant

  • CalEPA Heavy Duty Vehicle Carbon Neutral Researc [UC-ITS-2020-65], 2020–2021, Participant

  • AQMD Assessment of the Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impacts of a Microgrid-Based Electricity System in Southern California [C18206], 2018–2020, Participant

  • EPA Effects of Ammonia on Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in a Changing Climate [R835881], 2016–2021, Participant

  • ANSES Study of the impact on air pollution of technologies and the composition of the vehicle fleet circulating in France [2016-CRD-04], 2016–2017, Participant


Journal Reviewers (20+)

  • Web of Science: Excellent reviewer
  • Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

  • Environmental Science & Technology

  • Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews

  • Environment International

  • Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

  • Geoscientific Model Development

  • Atmospheric Environment

  • Aerosol Science and Technology

  • Atmospheric Science Letters

  • Communications Earth & Environment

  • Atmospheric Research


Copyright © Shupeng Zhu